别尝试仅用蛋白棒/士力架替代能量胶!它们吸收太慢并且会增加运动中的肠胃负担(通常要1小时+才能起效),并且没有钠钾等必需的电解质,在超长途训练中如果没有足够的电解质水会非常蛋疼(eg. 2024-03-10的245km环石臼湖)
My choose:sis beta fuel 60g能量胶,sky team 环西专用胶,一条40g的碳水可以保证我二区的训练强度一小时才需要氪一条。
户外骑行普通伤口处理:擦伤,割伤,磕伤,扭伤及软组织伤(图文) - 美骑网|
我的脚长:约260mm,趾球宽约90mm,选择正常版型shimano 42码(265-270mm,95mm宽以下)
公路巅峰 | A blog for road bike cyclist ( 这是一个非常好的中文公路车训练Blog。感谢无私奉献的互联网精神!
或许在踩踏过程中可以将膝盖更加靠近上管,让股外侧肌更多参与quad肌群发力过程。以及座管可以更加后飘一点,让臀部肌肉也更多参与进踩踏过程。(update: 在将坐高下降3mm左右后,已经没有出现这种情况了)
If you are experiencing pain in the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) muscle after biking, it may be due to a few reasons:
- Bike Fit Issue: The pain could be due to a bike fit issue. If the pain is very localized in the VMO, close to tendons, persisting and sharp, it is important to be careful not to pedal too much or too hard for a while1.
- Muscle Imbalance: In cycling, the vastus lateralis (quadriceps muscle on the outside of the thigh) often becomes overdeveloped, resulting in a muscular imbalance2. Your vastus lateralis might be too tight and your Vastus Medialis a bit weak, which is common in most individuals3.
- Training Intensity: Changes in training intensity can also lead to knee pain4.
To alleviate the pain, you can try the following:
- Rest: If you tear or strain your vastus medialis, the first treatment is a period of rest5.
- Heat or Ice: Heat or ice may be used to reduce swelling1.
- Exercises: Exercises like heel slides and stationary bike riding may also be useful1.
- Knee Brace or Compression Sleeve: You may need a knee brace or compression sleeve to support your knee and control swelling as you recover5.
If the pain persists, it’s recommended to consult with a medical professional or physiotherapist. They can provide a proper assessment and suggest a personalized treatment plan based on your condition15.
公路车坐垫高度和坐垫前后调整 | 公路巅峰 (
如何设定坐垫高度?Steve Hogg 的bike-fitting理论(2)|公路车|骑行入门 - 美骑网|
你用的方法很可能是错的?!专业Bike Fitter漫谈座垫前后位置设定方法_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
Kettlebell/Cycling/running 交叉训练
我可以在同一天同时进行kettlebell以及cycling训练吗?To be short: YES
San Millan-UAE教练/colorado大学医学院教授
Using power or heart rate in endurance rides?
Another question we are repeatedly asked is whether to train with power or heart rate in longer rides, given that you may experience heart rate drift in the latter hours of the ride. This question was addressed by Iñigo San Millán in one of his GCN interviews.
San Millán explains that heart rate drift (where heart rate rises despite power being held constant) can generally reflect either dehydration or an increased metabolic stress. He notes that, if you stay well hydrated, you shouldn’t have a heart rate drift of more than 4-6bpm. Heart rate drift in excess of this level probably reflects dehydration (potentially coupled with increased metabolic strain).
In the absence of dehydration, then heart rate tends to correlate with lactate. For this reason, San Millán suggests that you may want to use heart rate as your primary metric to keep within Zone 2, rather than power.