
关于personal blog(eg. JUJU's Garage)


关于Doc类型的site(eg. this site)

sphnix对于python rst类型的文档应该是一个好选择,可惜我已经习惯markdown了。


basic start of medic-readthedoc: Getting started with MkDocs — Read the Docs user documentation 9.15.0 documentation

some official examples: readthedocs-examples/example-mkdocs-basic: A basic MkDocs project for Read the Docs (github.com)


For now, this little notebook hosted on github page is enough, no need to host it on Readthedoc.

如何让markdown也能写出类似rst的rendering block?

MkDocs uses the Python Markdown library to translate Markdown files into HTML. Python Markdown supports a variety of extensions that customize how pages are formatted. This setting lets you enable a list of extensions beyond the ones that MkDocs uses by default (meta, toc, tables, and fenced_code).

mkdocs repo中讨论这个问题的issue



如何让code block识别语言并且highlight?

see this mkdocs issue

also see the official mkdocs Doc

to be more exactly, see here for readthedocs theme setting.

By default, highlight.js only supports 23 common languages. List additional languages here to include support for them.


下面是一个例子。但是我目前还没有找到能让rendering block与code block叠加在一起的方法。

import markdown
markdown.markdown(some_text, extensions=['admonition'])



可以参考这个mkdcos plugin


I want to be able to protect the content of the page with a password.

Define a password to protect each page independently or a global password to protect them all.

If a global password exists, all articles and pages are protected with this password.

If a password is defined in an article or a page, it is always used even if there is a global password.

If a password is defined as an empty character string, the content is not protected.


see here for a demo. passwd is 'template'


register you site in google search console

need to upload the sitemap. So what is sitemap?


The concept of this format is extremely simple: you create an XML file that lists the pages on your site, as well as some information about them (update frequency, crawl priority, etc.):

see more at here

site_url: https://jujuup.github.io/JUJUnotebook/ 需要设置site_url, 否则sitemap中的网址会是一堆None

How to use bibliography file to do cross-reference in mkdocs?

see here: mkdocs-bibtex